
What In The World Is An “And Asset”?

Chances are if you have been to one of Factum Financial’s seminars or wealth strategy sessions, you have heard the term “And Asset” (and if you haven’t been yet, what are you waiting for? However, there always seems to be a little bit of confusion around…

Comparing And Contrasting 4 Major Savings Accounts

Proper savings techniques are one of the major components of our seminars and wealth strategy sessions at Factum Financial. We have written in the past about the interest you really earn with your money sitting in savings versus the amount you make when your money is working for…

Common Problems With Annual Spending Patterns

Sometimes people are fully aware of the spending issues present in their financial plan, but often people that live within a modest budget and pay all their debts on time with a nice cushion of money left over are not aware that even their spending…

Six 401(k) Basics That Financial Advisors Won’t Tell You

In the modern American economy, it’s become a common place practice for people to save for retirement using a 401(k) and for employers to offer a percentile match to that 401(k) rather than setting up a pension for their employees. Naturally, there are hundreds of…